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Общие тэги
* @deprecated Устаревшая функция
* @see nameSpace.ClassName#methodName Note, there are no { } brackets.
* @see namespace.ClassName Note, there are no { } brackets.
**//** This is a comment of how {@link nameSpace.ClassName} is similar to this object. **/
* @param {paramType} paramName Basic parameter description.
* @param {String|Number} paramName Can be one of these types.
* @param {String} [paramName] Parameter is optional.
* @param {String[]} paramName Parameter is an array of strings.
* @param {function(string)} paramName Parameter is a function callback.
* @param {String} [paramName="mathew"] Parameter has a default value of "mathew" via code. (must be optional).
* @param objectName This parameter is an object with values.
* @param objectName.property1 This is a property of above object.
Inline Documentation
/** Define parameter types in function arguments (useful for inline functions) **/
function(/**String**/arg1) { }
/** @type {string} msg **/ Handy for unknown return types.
var msg = foo();
* @class {namespace.ClassName} Defines a reference to a class.
* @augments {namespace.ClassName} Define a derived base class.
* @extends alias for @augments
* @lends {namespace.ClassName} Declares a block to define part of a class.
* @constructor Defines a function as the creator for a class.
* @constructs Must be used with @lends to define the initialization function.
* @private Highlights invalid references to a property in PHPStorm
* @protected Highlights invalid references to a property in PHPStorm
* @override Defines a function as overriding a function of the same name in a lower class.
* @borrows namespace.ClassName#methodName Tells PHPStorm to use the documentation from another class/method for this method.
* @memberOf namespace.ClassName Declares something outside of a class block as part of that class.
* @this {type} Defines what object "this" referrers to.
* function(/**String**/arg1)Defines the parameters of an inline function.
* @return{type} The return type.
* @returns alias of above.
Пример использования
Backbone Model and Inheritance A typical example using a Backbone model to demonstrate how to declare inheritance.
* This is a model class what be will inherited.
* @class {gems.BaseModel}
* @extends {Backbone.Model}
gems.BaseModel = Backbone.Model.extend(
* @lends {gems.BaseModel}
* This is a property of the class.
* @type {string}
message: 'Hello world',
* A constructor for this class.
* @param {Object} attributes
* @param {Object} options
* @constructs
initialize: function(attributes, options)
* This is a virtual method on the model.
* @param {string} arg An argument
* @public
* @returns {boolean}
foo: function(arg)
return false;
Теперь модель унаследовавшая BaseModel
* A document model for Gems.
* @class {gems.DocumentModel}
* @extends {gems.BaseModel}
gems.DocumentModel = gems.BaseModel.extend(
* @lends {gems.DocumentModel}
* @param {string} arg An argument
* @see gems.BaseModel#foo
* @override
* @returns {boolean}
foo: function(arg)
return true;
return gems.BaseModel.prototype.foo.apply(this,[arg]);